Wednesday, 14 November 2007

You Can

You an read,
when there is no light...
You can write,
when there are no pens...
You can sing,
when there is no sound...
You can hear my voice,
when there is no air..
You can walk towards glory,
when there is no earth...
You can weave your hopes,
when there is no place to abode...
You can stand apart,
when missing a part...
You Can!
Yes, I know you can...
You can achieve the sky,
when there is no one who relies...
You are the Child of God,
Yet another,
His precious Gold!


--xh-- said...

yeah, the word CAN is really powerfull. If you got teh will and faith in you, there is nothing you cannot do. :)

Anonymous said...

I see loads n loads of poetry.. the only thing you need to do is think big ..big and big..

Beach Resort