Thursday, 22 November 2007

Little Angel

Little angel,
Mouth smeared with carrots…
She turns to me…
Smiles, extends her hand…
I flip-flop… loose it all and smile back…
Says ‘Da Da’, laughs… and runs away…
Away to the stack of CDs,
Pulling them one by one…
Laughs, pulls them all down with a bump,
Giggles some…
Looks towards me, checking if I’m a frown?
Smiles, extends her hand…
I flip-flop… loose it all and smile back…
Says ‘Da Da’, laughs… and runs my way…
Laughing, I pick her up,
Pulling in my arms…
She looks with questioning eyes…
I smile, say ‘Naughty Da Da’, laughs,
and clap my hands in her way…
She opens her eyes wide…
Looking, trying to copy…
Trying to clap… giggles and misses…
Smiles, extends her hands for my specks…
Laughs, pulls them into her mouth…
Jingles… to set free from my arms,
And crawls away…
I call out, ‘come back you Little Devil’
Runs after her… she stops,

Bangs and Breaks…
She turns to me,
Checking if I’m a frown?
Giggles, extends her hands to show…
I flip-flop… loose it all and smile back…
Says ‘Da Da’, laughs… and goes away…

1 comment:

--xh-- said...

sweet one :-) while reading, i was visualising the whole episode. it is always fun to play with kids. ur words make the visalisation very easy...